July 8, 2024

Four Creations

Four Creations

Their words and thoughts were so clear that whatever they said came to be.

Welcome aboard the Afro Tales podcast, where we set sail into the rich tapestry of stories from Indigenous and African descent in the Americas and the Caribbean. In this episode, we embark on a journey to explore the creation stories of the Kichi people, as told in the ancient book of wisdom, the Popol Vuh. Discover the four creations, from the initial void to the final creation of humankind, and the fascinating interactions between the Maker, Feathered Serpent, and the Heart of Sky. Dive into this episode for a blend of culture, mythology, and deliciousness!

Book: In the Beginning; Creation Stories from Around the World

Retold By: Virgnia hamilton

Chef goes on a culinary adventure inspired by this story, as he shares his delightful recipe for Mexican Quiche.  This recipe is a pleasure to make in the Galley just for you and we hope you enjoy it.

Afro Tales Recipe of the week: MEXICAN QUICHE



(00:00) Welcome aboard the Afro Tales podcast. 

(00:23) Four creations the world began long ago in a place called Kichi

(08:08) They who were God made the body. But it looked bad

(11:55) The final creation. Morning has come for the people of the earth

(18:28) Virginia Hamilton tells amazing creation stories from around the world

(24:52) Today we will be creating mexican quiche

Beginning Stories:

How Night Came


the Hummingbird and Ibis Stories


The Daughter of the Sun


Mental Health Texas



To Support Afro Tales Podcast:

Website: https://www.afrotalescast.com 

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@afrotalescast  

Podcast Artwork:

Artbyshalaye: https://instagram.com/artbyshalaye?igshid=18dz8daavtsv6


Artist: Andrewfai


Song: mexico guitars country music 4287 



This music has been edited from original sound to fit the story and is in no way endorsed by the licensor. 

