Welcome to our new website!
Oct. 31, 2022



Every beast has a parent and this is its story.

Today we land on the island of Jamaica. With the night being so dangerous we find ourselves encountering a strange animal. How the Rollin calf got to the land we may never know. Every beast has a parent and this is its story. Sit and listen.


Book: Duppy Stories

By David Brailsford


Chef has served up a Halloween treat. Some Poisoned Candied Apples. This is a pleasure to make in the Galley just for you and I hope you enjoy it.

Afro Tales Recipe of the week: Poisoned Candied Apples



To Support Afro Tales Podcast:

Website: https://www.podpage.com/afrotalescast/

Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/afrotalescast

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/afrotalescast

Podcast Artwork:

Artbyshalaye: https://instagram.com/artbyshalaye?igshid=18dz8daavtsv6



Hello Regan! by Loyalty Freak Music https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/