Ol' John goes to Heaven

Ol’ John wants so bad to get into heaven and by any means.
Ol’ John wants so bad to get into heaven and by any means. Will that work? Will St Peter let this old man in through those pearly gates? Only one way to find out.
Book: African American Folktales
Collected by Roger D. Abrahams
Chef has served up for your pleasure some southern-style potato salad. This is a pleasure since families will be getting together soon. This is a pleasure to make in the Galley just for you and I hope you enjoy.
Afro Tales Recipe of the week: Southern Style Potato Salad
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Artbyshalaye: https://instagram.com/artbyshalaye?igshid=18dz8daavtsv6
Music: Artist: Kevin MacLeod
Album: Jazz Sampler Song: I Knew a Guy