Oct. 3, 2022

The Monkey Woman

The Monkey Woman

We meet an ant with a hard task, a Saint giving blessings, and a monkey woman looking for love.

Today we find ourselves in the land of Cuba. We meet an ant with a hard task, a Saint giving blessings, and a woman looking for love. Three short stories with a central theme. How each short story will end I wonder if you can figure it out.


Book: Talk that Talk

By Linda Goss & Marion E. Barnes

Book: Latin American Folktales

By John Beirhorst


Chef has served up for your enjoyment boniatillo. This is a pleasure to make in the Galley just for you and I hope you enjoy.

Afro Tales Recipe of the week: boniatillo



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Podcast Artwork:

Artbyshalaye: https://instagram.com/artbyshalaye?igshid=18dz8daavtsv6


