Oct. 18, 2021

The Two Sons

The Two Sons

As we get older and become our own person some lessons of the past tend to fade.

As we get older and become our own people some lessons of the past tend to fade. The two sons are growing to become men in a time and place that will give them many challenges. Question is, will they remember the lessons they learned as children?

Book: Talk That Talk

Story by: Alice McGill

Chef has served up for your enjoyment some Southern Fried Oysters. This is a pleasure to make in the Galley just for you and I hope you enjoy.

Afro Tales Recipe of the week: Southern Fried Oysters

https://lynchburgliving.com/southern-fried-oysters/ Great Dismal Swamp

The Great Dismal Swamp Maroons:


To Support Afro Tales Podcast:

Webpage: www.podpage.com/afrotalescast/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/afrotalescast

Podcast Artwork:

Artbyshalaye: https://instagram.com/artbyshalaye?igshid=18dz8daavtsv6


Artist: Jason Shaw

Album: Audionautix Acoustic

Song: Plantation https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jason_Shaw/Audionautix_Acoustic/PLANTATION________________________3-15

